Role: Machine Learning Engineer

Client: (R&D projects with Eastern Kentucky University)

Project Objective:

Primary objective of this project was to develop a computer vision system that utilizes drone imagery to generate valuable information and insights for pineapple farmers in Africa. By providing accurate statistics and maps, the system aims to help farmers make informed decisions, optimize their farming practices, and ultimately increase their yield and livelihood.


Main goal: Train multi-label object detection model using custom train data Available labels (classes) for detected objects are like below:

0- fruit 1- flowers' to '1-flower 2- without flowers' to '2-without flower

Key Achievements:

  1. Flowering Plant Identification:
  2. Fruit Counting:
  3. User-Centric Design:
  4. Image Preprocessing:
  5. Multi-Label Object Detection:
  6. Efficient Handling of Large Images:

Technical Stack: